Defining Manual Back Order Release Form

Criteria and Header

Set the relevant criteria and click Add to populate the grid with the appropriate back order records. Multiple selections can be made - e.g. select one debtor account From and To and click Add, then select another debtor account From and To and click Add. Lines are displayed for both debtor accounts

Field Description
Batch No. Automatically populated on save. System Numbers form field ManualBOBatch controls the numbering
Order by Invoice No. Select if required
Order by Debtor Account No. Select if required
Invoice No. Grid is populated with the first and last sales order numbers. Select From and To invoice numbers
Invoice Date Grid is populated with the first and last invoice dates from the database. Enter required values
Account No. Grid is populated with the first and last debtor account numbers. Select required accounts
Part No. Grid is populated with the first and last part numbers in the database. Select From and To part numbers
Bill Type Select from drop down list
Invoice Type Select from drop down list
Order Type Select from drop down list. The only options are Invoice Order and Active Orders

Back Orders

Lines are populated into the grid according to the selection criteria. Unwanted lines can be removed from the grid by clicking the waste bin.

Invoice No. Sales order numbers associated with the back order records
Expected Delivery Date Populated from the header window of the sales order
Invoice Init Date The date the sales order was created
Account No. Debtor account number
Name Debtor name
Part No. Part numbers with back orders
Description Description from the inventory maintenance
Back Order Value Dollar sales value of the back order lines
Back Order Quantity Quantity on back order
Quantity Left Stock on hand available. Value is adjusted as Fulfil box is ticked
Fulfil Tick if stock is be allocated to back orders


Reports are setup in the sales order form, Record, File Printer Setup menu option. Untick reports not required to be printed.

Bill Type Billing type description
Trading Category Description associated with each report
Back Order Status Status associated with each report
Report Description Description of the record
Type Invoice, Delivery Docket, Picking Slip, Packing Slip, Other
Report Path Location of relevant report
Report File Name Name of report
Printer Device Printer details
Printer Name Printer details
Printer Port Printer details
Print Untick if report is not required

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